My grade 6 Geographers were tasked with making a world map that would help guide the aliens back to their home on Earth.
The problem - The aliens don't have scissors aboard the UFO, just paper and space goop!
These torn maps were such an engaging activity for students to become familiar with the continents and oceans of the world.
The students were given the following scenario -
Late last night, you were abducted by aliens while you slept! When you awoke, the aliens quickly realised their mistake; they captured the wrong human for their experiments! The aliens want to return you to your home but cannot remember the way. They have asked you to make a map of Earth to help them recognise our planet. They hand you two sheets of paper to create the map. But when you ask for scissors, they look at you like crazy; they have no idea what "scissors" means. You are going to have to get creative to save the day!
School - Garodia International Centre for Learning in Mumbai, GICLM